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     Table of Contents
     I. Responsibilities
     II. Emergency Procedures
     III. Fundamentals of Laboratory Safety
     IV. Basic Guidelines for Working with Hazardous Materials
     V. Procedures for Specific Classes of Hazardous Chemicals
     Appendix A: Laboratory Safety Coordinator (PDF)
     Appendix B: Chemical Storage Segregation Scheme (PDF)
     Appendix C: Emergency Instructions (PDF)
     Appendix D: Lab Inspection Checklist (PDF)
     Appendix E: Risk Assessment Template (PDF)

PDFs require the free Adobe® Reader® or compatible software.
Laboratory Safety Manual - 2011
IV. Basic Guidelines for Working with Hazardous Materials

     General Rules
     Working with Allergens
     Working with Embryotoxins
     Working with Chemicals of Moderate Chronic or High Acute Toxicity
     Working with Substances of High Chronic Toxicity

1. General Rules

     Laboratory Protocol
     Everyone in the lab is responsible for Their own safety and the safety of others.

     Before starting any work in the lab, personnel Should the family be with Being Procedures and equipment used. Lab personnel Should be aware of the chemical hazards Working with them before. Personnel Who are unfamiliar With The hazardous materials or a new procedure Should consult Their supervisor.

     MSDS information available here:

     The following guidelines are Recommendations for working safely in a lab:

     Personal Safety Practices

     Lab coats, gloves and safety glasses as Appropriate Should be worn in all laboratories.
     Do not wear shorts, sandals, open-toed shoes or in lab.
     Minors staff or pets are not permitted in laboratories.
     Do not mouth pipette.
     Secure any dangling jewelry, loose clothing restrain, tie back long hair and That Might Get caught in equipment before starting work.
     Food and drink shouldnt be Consumed in the lab.
     Do not store food and drinks in laboratory refrigerators.

     photo of refrigerator sign
     Refrigerator sign

     Avoid working alone in the lab. If you must work alone, make someone handler (such as a supervisor) aware of your location.
     Wash your hands faq frequently THROUGHOUT the day and before leaving the lab.
     Do not wear lab coats, gloves, protective clothing or other staff outside of lab areas. This May Have Become contaminated clothing and You Could spread the contamination.
     Cell phones and use of music headphones Should be avoided while working in the lab. They can be distracting and thereby Increase the potential for an accident to occur. They can Also Become contaminated if handled while Working with hazardous materials.

     photo of person talking on a cell phone in the lab
     Cell phones shouldnt be used while working in the lab

Housekeeping and Decontamination

     Work areas must be kept clean and free of Unnecessary chemicals. Clean the work area THROUGHOUT the day and before leaving the lab for the day.
     IF NECESSARY, clean equipment after use PERSONAL Respiratory The Possibility of exposing the next person WHO USES it.
     Keep all aisles and walkways in the lab clear to Provide a safe walking surface and an unobstructed exit. Do not block doors.
     Do not block access to emergency equipment (ie fire extinguishers, eyewashes, etc.), emergency shut-offs, and utility controls (ie electrical panels).

     photo of cluttered workspace
     Cluttered workspace. Emergency eyewash obstructed.
     photo of blocked fire extinguisher
     Blocked fire extinguisher

     Accidents and Spills
     See the Emergency Procedures section for detailed Procedures. Do not clean up spills UNLESS trained to do so.

     Supplies for cleaning up minor spills Should be Readily available. In case of release, promptly clean up spills using Appropriate Personal protective equipment (PPE).

     Spill Response Equipment
     Supplies for a chemical spill should include:

     An inert absorbent: such as kitty litter or vermiculite or a 50/50 mixture of the two or a commercial absorbent
     A plastic (non-sparking) scoop, plastic bags for the spilled materials
     Chemical resistant gloves
     Sodium bicarbonate to neutralize acids.

     photo of items in a spill kit
     Items That Should be included in a spill kit

Note: All spent spill clean-up materials Should be disposed of in the same Manner as the spilled chemical or biological material. Spill clean-up supplies Should be checked and re-stocked as Necessary. Dispose of clean-up materials EHS-through the waste disposal program.

     Steps to Prevent Exposure Routine

     Develop and Encourage safe habits
     Avoid Unnecessary exposure to chemicals by any route
     Do not smell or taste chemicals
     Vent apparatus Which May discharge any toxic chemicals (eg, vacuum pumps, distillation columns) Local exhaust into devices: such as fume hoods
     Inspect and test gloves glove boxes before use
     Do not allow release of Toxic Substances warm in cold rooms or rooms, since Contained in Original unavailable, re-circulated air

     Equipment and Glassware
     EHS Recommends the following guidelines for the use and care of laboratory glassware and other equipment:

Glassware and Glass Bottles
photo of bottle carrier
Bottle carrier

     Inspect all glassware before use. Discard any broken, cracked, or chipped glassware.
     Tape or shield glass vacuum to Prevent Vessels flying glass in the case of an implosion. Also, cover or shield glass vacuum desiccators.
     Transport all chemical containers glass in rubber or polyethylene bottle carriers When leaving one area to enter another lab. Use a cart if Transporting more than two bottles.
     Fire-polish all cut glass tubing and rods before use.
     Practice the following When inserting glass tubes or rods into stoppers:
         Be Un Certain That the diameter of the tube is supported With The diameter of the stopper.
         Fire-polish the end of the glass tube.
         Lubricate the glass with water or glycerol.
         Wear heavy gloves and hold the glass not more than two inches from the end to be inserted.
         Carefully insert the glass with a twisting motion.
         Remove stuck tubes by slitting the stopper with a sharp knife.

Assembly of Laboratory Apparatus

     Firmly clamp apparatus set-up and away from the edge of the lab bench.
     That Is Only use equipment free from cracks, chips, or other defects.
     If possible, place a pan under a reaction vessel or other container to Contain liquid if the glassware breaks.
     Do not allow burners or any other ignition sources nearby When Working with
     flammable liquids.
     Lubricate glass stopcocks.
     Properly support and secure With condensers and water hoses clamps and wires.
     Be sure to direct the water hoses So THAT That eats any drips off the hoses do
     not splash down onto any electrical wires.
     Position That apparatus is attached to a ring stand With The center of gravity over the basis and not to one side.
     Assemble the apparatus So THAT burners or baths can be removed quickly.
     Use an Appropriate steam trap and confine the setup to a fume hood if there is a
     Possibility of hazardous vapors.
     Put the setup in a fume hood Whenever conducting a reaction That Could result in an implosion or explosion. Keep the sash pulled down. If it is not possible to use a fume hood, use a shield standing That is stabilized and secured.


     Securely anchor tabletop centrifuges and place in a location Where the vibration will not cause lab equipment to fall off the bench top.
     Keep the lid closed while operating centrifuge and do not leave the centrifuge Until You are Un certain it is running safely without vibration.
     If the centrifuge starts vibrating, stop and check the load balances.
     Regularly clean rotors and buckets with a non-corrosive cleaning solution.
     Use sealed safety cups while centrifuging hazardous materials.

     photo of a centrifuge
     Being Sealed safety cups used in a centrifuge

untraviolet light symbol

Ultraviolet Lamps

     Ultraviolet absorbing Wear protective safety glasses while Working with ultraviolet light.
     Protect your skin from potential burns due to ultraviolet light.
     Shield any project in Which ultraviolet light is used to Prevent escape of the direct beam or scattered radiation.

laser symbol


     Always wear goggles protect That Against the specific wavelength of the laser.
     Directly Never look at the beam.
     Do not allow any reflective materials in or along the path of the beam.
     Post warning signs in all areas laser. If required, use a flashing light at the lab entrance to Indicate When a laser is in use.

     photo of laser warning sign
     Laser warning sign
     photo of laser warning light
     Laser warning light

     Consult the EHS Laser Safety Manual for more information or contact the Laser Safety Officer at EHS.

Funnels separatory

     Use extreme caution if the temperature of the materials is elevated.
     When a volatile solvent is used, swirl the first to unstoppered separatory funnel
     allow some solvent to vaporize and to release pressure.
     Close the funnel and invert it With The stopper held in place, then a Immediately open the stopcock to release pressure.
     Do not vent the separatory funnel near a flame or any other ignition source.
     Do not point the funnel at a co-worker. Be aware of nearby co-workers.
     Vent the separatory funnel into a fume hood.
     Close the stopcock, swirl the funnel, then a Immediately open the stopcock With The funnel in an inverted position to vent the vapors again.

Cryogens, Cooling Baths and Cold Traps

     Always use caution When Working with cryogenic coolants.
     Use temperature resistant gloves and a face shield while slowly immersing an
     object to be cooled.
     Do not pour cold liquid onto the edge of a glass Dewar flask When filling Because
     the flask May break and implode.
     Never lower your head into a dry ice chest; no oxygen is present.
     Wear gloves while handling temperature resistant dry ice. If no protection is used, severe burns can result.

photo of bottle carrier
Vacuum pump

Vacuum Pumps

Mechanical vacuum pumps used in laboratories pose many hazards. There are mechanical hazards Associated With The moving parts. There are chemical hazards of contaminating the pump oil with volatile Substances and subsequently releasing them into the lab. There are fire hazards Also When pumps malfunction or overheat and ignite nearby flammable or combustible materials.

Follow in Original guidelines for safe pump operation:

Physical (injuries / fires)

     Ensure That Have pumps belt guards in place During operation to Prevent hands or loose clothing from getting caught in the belt pulley.
     That Ensure electrical cords and switches are free from defects.
     Do not place pumps in an enclosed, unventilated cabinet Allowing and exhaust heat to build up.
     Do not operate pumps near containers of flammable chemicals, chemical wastes flammable, or combustible materials: such as paper or cardboard.
     Use correct vacuum tubing (thick walls) not thin Tygon-type hoses.
     Replace old tubing; crumbly tubing can degrade performance.
     Use the shortest length of tubing That Reaches Where needed.


     Do not use solvents Which Might damage the pump.
     Always close the valve Between the vacuum vessel and the pump before shutting off the vacuum pump PERSONAL Respiratory sucking oil into the system.
     Place a pan under oil pumps to catch drips.
     Check oil levels and oil change When Necessary. Properly dispose of and replace vacuum pump oil is contaminated With That condensate. Used oil pump must be disposed as hazardous waste.
     With many oil vapors condense rotary pumps in the pump oil. Solvents in the oil degrade performance STI (And eventually ruin the pump), create a chemical hazard When the oil is changed, and are Emitted in an oil mist vented from the system. Other Directly vapors pass into the exhaust stream. In Original PERSONAL Respiratory problems:
         Trap evaporated materials with a cold trap Before They reach the pump. Depending on the materials to be trapped That is, esta can be a filtration flask at room temperature Either or Placed in an ice bath. For more volatile solvents more sophisticated options exist (eg dry ice trap).
         Vent the pump exhaust properly.


     Conduct all operations vacuum shield behind a table or in a fume hood and always wear safety glasses, lab coat, and gloves.
     Keep a record for each oil change pump to record dates and to keep track of the maintenance schedule.


     Examine all electrical cords Periodically for signs of wear and damage. If damaged electrical cords are discovered, unplug the equipment and have it repaired.
     Properly ground all electrical equipment.
     If sparks are plugging or unplugging Noticed while equipment or if the cord feels
     hot, do not use the equipment can be serviced Until it by an electrician.
     Do not run electrical cords along the floor Where They Will Be a tripping hazard and be subject to wear. If a cord must be run along the floor, protect it with a cord cover.
     Do not run electrical cords above the ceiling. The cord must be visible at all times to Ensure it is in good condition.
     Do not plug too many items into a single outlet. That Cords enable you to plug in more than one item at a time shouldnt be used.
     Multi-plug strips can be used if They are protected with a circuit breaker. Do not overuse or daisy-chain in a series.

     photo of overused multi-plug strip
     Overused multi-plug strip
     photo of daisy-chained electrical cords
     Electrical cords daisy-chained

     Do not use extension cords for permanent wiring. If you must use extension cords
     THROUGHOUT the lab, then a it is time to Have additional outlets installed.

     Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
     The Most Important thing to remember acerca protective clothing only is it That Protects you if you wear it. The lab supervisor must Ensure That Appropriate Personal protective equipment is worn by all persons, treats including visitors, in areas Where chemicals are stored or handled.

     Material Safety Data Sheets or other references Should be Consulted for information on the type of protective clothing required particularly for the work you are performing.

     In general When working in an area with hazardous materials, your skin Should be covered from shoulders to toes.

Protective Eyewear
eye protection required symbol

     Goggles Provide the best Protection against chemical splashes, vapors, dusts, and mists.
     Goggles That Have indirect vents or are non-vented Provide The most protection, and an anti-fog agent can be Applied.
     Standard safety glasses Provide Protection against impact.
     Remember, prescription glasses do not Provide adequate protection in a laboratory setting. Prescription safety glasses can be Purchased from MOST opticians.
     Alternatively, safety glasses and goggles designed to fit over prescription glasses are available-through commercial vendors.

Face shields
face shield symbol required

     Face shields can protect Against impact, dust, particulates, and splashes to the face, eyes, and throat. However, always wear protective eyewear goggles underneath: such as a face shield. Chemical vapors and splashes can still travel under and around a face shield.
     If scratches or cracks are Noticed in the face shield, replace the window.

Protective Gloves
gloves required symbol

     Any glove can be Permeated by chemicals. The rate at Which esta OCCURS depends on the composition of the glove, the chemicals present and Their concentration, and the exposure time to the glove. If you are not Un certain type of glove Which Provides you With The protection you need, contact the manufacturer and ask for specifics on That glove.
     Chemical Compatibility Guides
     If direct chemical contact OCCURS, gloves Regularly replace THROUGHOUT the day. Regularly Wash hands and remove gloves before answering the telephone or opening doors to Prevent the spread of contamination.
     Check gloves for tears, holes and cracks.
     Butyl, neoprene, nitrile gloves and MOST are resistant to chemicals, eg, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, Most inorganic acids, caustics and MOST.
     Disposable latex and vinyl gloves protect Against some chemicals, Most Aqueous solutions, and microorganisms and reduce risk of product contamination.
     Leather and some knit gloves will protect Against cuts, abrasions, and scratches, but not Against chemicals.
     Temperature-resistant gloves protect Against cryogenic liquids, flames, and high temperatures Such as autoclaves.

Note: Latex gloves shouldnt be worn if a person has or suspects a latex allergy.

Lab Coats and Aprons
lab coat apron required required symbol symbol

     The primary purpose of a lab coat is to protect Against splashes and spills. A lab coat Should be nonflammable, Where Necessary, and Should be Easily removed. Other types of lab coats: such as flame resistant coats are available.
     Lab coats buttoned When Should be in use.
     Rubber coated aprons can be worn to protect Against chemical splashes and May be worn over a lab coat for additional protection.

closed toed shoes required symbol

     Shoes That fully cover the feet Should always be worn in a lab. If work is going to be Performed That includes moving large and heavy objects, steel-toed shoes Should be worn.

required respirator respiratory protectin required symbol symbol

Contact EHS research if you are conducting That necessitates the need for a respirator. EHS will evaluate- Whether there is a need for a respirator and what type of respirator is needed. Occupational Health will conduct fit-testing and a medical evaluation respiratory protection.

     Unattended Operations
     Leave lights on, place an Appropriate sign on the door, and Provide for containment of Toxic Substances in the event of failure of a utility service handler (such as cooling water) to an unattended operation.
     Use of Fume Hoods
     Use a fume hood for all Procedures That Might result in the release of hazardous chemical vapors or dust.

     Confirm That the hood is working before use by holding a KIMWIPE®, or other lightweight paper, up to the opening of the hood.
     The paper Should be pulled inward.
     Leave the hood "on" when it is not in active use if Toxic Substances are stored inside or if it is uncertain Whether generally adequate laboratory ventilation will be maintained When it is "off."

Proper Use of Fume Hoods

     Equipment and other materials Should be Placed AT LEAST six inches behind the sash, preferably in the middle of the hood. This will reduce the exposure of personnel to chemical vapors escape That May into the lab due to air turbulence.
     When the hood is not in use, pull the sash all the way down. While personnel are working at the hood, pull down the sash as far as is practical. The sash is Constructed of safety glass to protect users Against fire, splashes, and explosions.

     photo of the fume hood sash With down as far as possible
     Work with the fume hood sash down as far as practical
     photo of improper use of the fume hood
     Improper use of the fume hood

     Fume hood sash Should be at or below 18 inches.
     Do not keep loose papers, paper towels, or tissues (eg, Kimwipes®) in the hood. These materials can be drawn into the blower and adversely Affect the performance of the hood.
     Do not use a fume hood as a storage cabinet for chemicals.

     photo of chemicals and othe items in the fume hood
     Do not store chemicals or other items in the fume hood

     Excessive storage of chemicals and other items will disrupt the airflow designed in the hood. In particularly, do not store chemicals Against the baffle at the back of the hood, Because esta will interferes With The laminar airflow across the hood.
     If large equipment must be kept in a fume hood, raise it 1.5 inches off the work surface to allow air to flow underneath. This Dramatically you reduce the turbulence Within the hood and STI Increases efficiency.
     Do not place objects Directly in front of a fume hood handler (such as refrigerators or lab coats hanging on the hand controls) as esta can disrupt the airflow and draw contaminants out of the hood.
     Keep in mind That Modifications made to a fume hood system, eg, adding a snorkel, can render the system ineffective Entire. Modifications shouldnt be done without proper authorization.
     Minimize the amount of foot traffic Immediately in front of a hood. Walking past hoods That causes turbulence can draw contaminants out of the hood and into the room.

     Storage of Chemicals in the Lab
     Refer to the section on laboratory chemical storage in Chapter C.1.

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2. Working with Allergens

A wide variety of Substances can illicit skin and lung hypersensitivity. Examples include: such as common Substances; diazomethane, chromium, nickel, bichromates, formaldehyde, isocyanates, and Un certain phenols. Because of esta variety and the VARYING response of Individuals, suitable gloves Should be used Whenever there is potential for Contact with chemicals That May cause skin irritation.
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3. Working with Embryotoxins

Substances are Embryotoxins That cause adverse effects on the fetus in pregnant women Developing. These effects May include embryolethality (death of the fertilized egg, the embryo, or the fetus), malformations (teratogenic effects), retarded growth, and postnatal function deficits.
A few Substances Have Been Demonstrated to be embryotoxic in humans.

These include:

Heavy Metals
Carbon Tetrachloride

azo dyes
propylene glycol

Nitrous oxide

Many Substances, some as common as sodium chloride, Have Been shown to be embryotoxic exposure to animals at some level, but usually we reduced considerably this is at a higher level than is Encountered in the course of ordinary laboratory work. However, some do require special controls Substances due to embryotoxic properties. One common example is formamide: women of childbearing potential Should handle esta substance only in a hood and Should Take Precautions to Avoid skin contact With The liquid Because of the ease With Which it passes-through the skin.

Because the period of greatest susceptibility to embryotoxins is the first 8-12 weeks of pregnancy, Which includes a period When A Woman May not Know That she is pregnant; women of childbearing potential Should Take care to Avoid skin contact With All chemicals. The following are recommended Procedures to be Followed by women of childbearing Routinely potential in Working with chemicals Requiring special monitoring Because of embryotoxic properties:

     Each procedure Involving embryotoxins Should be reviewed for hazards particularly by the Principal Investigator or Lab Supervisor, lowest will choose Whether or special Procedures are warranted Whether Should be posted warning signs. Consultation with Appropriate personnel safety (EHS, Occupational Health) is recommended. In cases of continued use of a Known embryotoxin, the operation Should be reviewed Annually and / or Whenever a change is made in Procedures.
     Requiring special monitoring Embryotoxins Should be stored in an area it adequately ventilated. The container Should be labeled in a clear Manner: such as the following: embryotoxin: READ SPECIFIC PROCEDURES FOR USE. If the storage container is breakable, it Should be kept in an waterproof, unbreakable secondary container.
     Women of childbearing potential Should Take Precautions adequate to guard against spills and splashes. Operations Should be Carried out in waterproof containers and using it adequately ventilated areas. Appropriate safety apparel, gloves Especially, Should be worn. All fume hoods, glove boxes, or other engineering controls essential Should be working properly before work is started.
     Supervisors must be Notified Regarding all incidents of exposure or spills of embryotoxins Requiring special control. Occupational Health Should be Consulted about any Exposures of women of childbearing potential above the acceptable level (ie any skin contact or inhalation Exposures).

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4. Working with Chemicals of Moderate Chronic or High Acute Toxicity

Before Beginning a laboratory operation, each worker is Strongly Advised to learn about the Substances to be used. The Precautions and Procedures Described in section esta Should be Followed if any of the Substances used in significant quantities are Known to be moderately or highly toxic (if any of the Substances used are Known to be highly toxic, it is recommended That two people be present in the area at all times).

These Procedures Should be Followed Also if the toxicological properties of any of the Substances used or prepared are unknown. If any of the Substances to be used or prepared are Known to Have high, chronic toxicity (eg, compounds of heavy metals and other potent carcinogens), then a the directions and Procedures Described below Should be Supplemented With additional Precautions to aid in container containing and ultimately from Having Substances destroying the high chronic toxicity. Some examples of potent carcinogens (Substances Known to Have high chronic toxicity), along With Their Corresponding chemical class, are:

Alkylating Agents:
α -Halo Ethers
    Bis (Chloromethyl) Ether
    Chloromethyl Methyl Ether

    Ethylene Imine

Diazo, Azo, and azoxy Compounds

Alkenes and alkynes electrophilic
    Ethyl Acrylate

    Ethylene Oxide
    propylene Oxide
    Styrene Oxide

    diethyl Sulfate
    Dimethyl Sulfate
    Ethyl Methanesulfonate
    Methyl Methanesulfonate
    Methyl trifluoromethanesulfonate

Acylating Agents:
    β -Butyrolactone
    β -Propiolactone
    Dimethylcarbamoyl Chloride

Aromatic Amines:

Organohalogen Compounds:
    Bis (2-Chloroethyl) Sulfide
    Vinyl Chloride
    Methyl Iodide
    Carbon Tetrachloride

Natural Products:

Inorganic Compounds:

The overall objective of the Procedures Outlined in esta section is to minimize exposure of the laboratory worker to Toxic Substances by taking all reasonable Precautions. Just thus, the overall Outlined in Section D.1 Precautions Should be Followed Normally Whenever a substance is toxic Being transferred is from one container to another or is Being subjected to some chemical or physical manipulation. The following Precautions Should always be Followed:

     Protect the hands and forearms Either by wearing gloves and a laboratory coat or suitable long gloves to Avoid contact of the skin With The toxic materials.
     Procedures Involving Toxic Substances and volatile solid or liquid Those Involving Toxic Substances That May result in the generation of aerosols Should be Conducted in a fume hood or other suitable containment device.
     After Working with toxic materials, wash the hands and arms immediately. Never eat, drink, chew gum or tobacco, or apply cosmetics contact lenses, take medicine, or store foods in areas Where Being Toxic Substances are used.

These will Provide Precautions standard laboratory workers with good protection from MOST Toxic Substances. In Addition, That records include Amounts of materials used and names of workers Involved Should be kept as part of the laboratory notebook record of the project. To minimize hazards from accidental breakage of apparatus or spills of Toxic Substances in the fume hood, containers of Such Substances Should be stored in pans or trays made of polyethylene or other chemically resistant materials and apparatus Should be mounted above trays of the same type of materials .

Alternatively, the working surface of the hood can be fitted with a removable liner of adsorbent plastic-backed paper. These materials will Contain spilled Toxic Substances in a pan, tray, or absorbent liner Greatly Simplifies and subsequent cleanup and disposal. Any Material That comes in contact With Toxic Substances Should be disposed of as a toxic substance. That Vapors are discharged from the apparatus Should be trapped or condensed PERSONAL Respiratory adding substantial businesses Amounts of toxic steam to the hood exhaust air. Areas Where Being Toxic Substances are used and stored must have restricted access, and warning signs must be posted if a special toxicity hazard exists.

The overall waste disposal Procedures Described in the EHS Waste Disposal Manual must be Followed for in Original types of chemicals. In overall, the container containing waste materials and solvents must be Toxic Substances stored in closed, impervious containers So THAT personnel handling the containers will not be exposed to Their contents.

The laboratory worker must be prepared for potential accidents or spills Involving Toxic Substances. Lab workers must be trained in handling toxic materials and spill clean-up Before Beginning Work With Toxic Substances.

If a toxic substance contacts the skin, the area Should be washed with water. If there is a major spill outside of the hood, the room or area Should be evacuated Appropriate and Necessary Measures Should be taken to Prevent exposure of other workers. Spills must be cleaned by personnel wearing protective apparel suitable staff. If a spill of a toxic materials OCCURS outside the hood, an air-supplied full-face respirator May be needed. Immediately contact EHS for assistance.

In Addition to the Precautions section Described in esta, Should Researchers Develop written standard operating procedures Intended to Establish a concise, step-by-step method for carrying out routine laboratory operations With The substance in question and train personnel on in Original lab procedures.
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5. Working with Substances of High Chronic Toxicity
highly toxic symbol

All of the Procedures and Precautions Described in the previous section Should be Followed When Working with Substances Known to Have high chronic toxicity. In Addition, When Such Substances are used in quantities Exceeding a few milligrams to a few grams, Depending on the hazards pose posed by the individual substance, the additional Precautions Described in section esta Should be Followed. Each laboratory worker's plan for project work and for disposing of waste materials must be approved by the laboratory supervisor.

Consultation with the departmental Lab Safety Coordinator or EHS is recommended to Ensure That the toxic materials is Contained Effectively During the project and That waste materials disposed of are in a safe Manner. Substances in esta high chronic toxicity category include Un certain heavy metal compounds (eg, dimethylmercury and nickel carbonyl) and compounds Normally classified as select carcinogens. Normally Examples of compounds classified as carcinogens select include the following:

aflatoxin B1
benzo [a] pyrene
bis (chloromethyl) ether
7,12-dimethylbenz [a] anthracene
dimethylcarbamoyl chloride

propane sultone
various N-nitrosamides
various N-nitrosamines

Record of the Amounts of substances of high chronic toxicity Being stored and the Amounts used, dates of use, and names of users. It is Appropriate to keep Such records as part of the record of project work in the laboratory workers' research notebook, but it must be Understood That the research supervisor is responsible for Ensuring That accurate records are maintained.


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