3 1 -
A Diploma holder in automobile engineering sh
ould Have an overall view of automobiles
before learning the detail Aspects of various sy
stems of automobile. Th
Provides is subject to
broad knowledge about the power plant, elec
trical system, transmission, drive end,
braking system, front axle, steering, frame to
nd chassis. This knowledge will be helpful to
the students in various co-Relating Systems with each other and understanding the
Individual systems in a better Manner
1. Introduction (6 hrs)
- Classification of vehicles on the basis of
load, wheels, drive end, fuel used,
axles, position of engine and steeri
ng transmission, body and load (definition
- Layout of an automobile chassis, func
tion of major components of a vehicle and
Their introduction to different systems Such
as frame, power plant, transmission
(clutch and gear box), drive end, brak
ing system, front ax
les, steering and
suspension systems (just line diagrams and utility)
2. Thermodynamics (4 hrs)
First and second law of thermodynamics (with
cept only), otto cycle, diesel cycle.
Types of automotive fuels, properties of fuels, air requirement for complete
combustion of fuel
3. Concept of Static Pressure (4 hrs)
Definition of Pascal's law, Pressure head
4. Flow of Liquid (6 hrs)
Laminar and turbulent flow, the
w of continuity, velocity
head, head datum, Total
head, Bernoulli's Theorem (definition only, no derivation, simple Numericals)
5. Flow Through Pipes and Hydraulic Pumps (6 hrs)
Friction losses in pipes, introduction to
reciprocating and centrifugal hydraulic
pump, gear pump
6. Power Plant (6 hrs)
Concept of two stroke and four stroke
petrol and diesel engines and Their
applications to automobiles. Various you
rms, specification of automobile engines
7. Automotive Systems (6 hrs)
- Automobile fuel system: Fuel tank,,
filters, carburettor,
fuel injection
- Automobile cooling system: Air and wa
ter cooling, radiator, fan, water pump
- Auto lubrication system: Lubricants,
necessity and desirable properties, oil
8. Suspension (4 hrs)
- Purpose and types of suspension - pr
inciple and axle components of rigit
- Tyres - types of function, comparison
9. Auto Industry in India (6 hrs)
History, leading manufacturers, developm
ent in automobile industry, trends, new
1. Thermal Engineering by PL Ballaney, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi
2. Hydraulics and Hydraulics
Machines by RS Khurmi, S Chand and Co., Delhi
3. Automobile Engineering by Dr. Kirp
to Singh, Strandard Publishers, Delhi
Automobile Engineering by RB Gupt
a, Satya Parkashan, New Delhi
3 1 2
A certificate holder is supposed to select and an
Alyze The Reasons for failure of different
select the required components and materials for
different applications. It is essential to
Diploma holders acerca teach the concepts, prin
ciples, applications and practices covering
stresses and strain, beams, be
nding moment and shear force,
springs and shafts. Knowledge
in basic concepts of single mechanism, fl
wheel and governor, bullet
incing, vibrations and
vehicle in motion ambient Estes very much required to Understand the problems in the moving
parts of automobile. It is e
That expected Efforts will be ma
for by the teach
rs to Provide
Appropriate learning experiences
to the students for develop
Necessary ping competencies
related to this subject area.
1. Stresses and strain (8 hrs)
- Introduction to stress and strain
- Mechanical properties of materials
- Tensile and compressive stress
- Shear stress and strain
- Hooke's law and Young's Modulus of elasticity
- Modulus of Rigidity
- Poisson's ratio
- Bulk Modulus
- Deformation and stress in a uniform bar
- Deformation and stress in a non uniform bar
- Temperature stresses
- Longitudinal to
nd hoop stress in thin
and thick cylinders
2. Beams and Bending (6 hrs)
- Concept of beam, rod, shaft (different types of structure members)
- Different types of Supports - Fi
xed support, Roller support, Hinged
- Concept of a simply supported beam and cantilever
- Concept of bending moments and shear force
- B. M. and S. F. diagrams for Beams - for uniformly distributed loads,
for Concentrated loads
- Determination of post
tuition of maximum B.M. and S. F. in a beam
- Point of contraflow
3. Bending and Shear Stresses (7 hrs)
- Concept of Bending, bending equation and assumptions made in it
- Extramural formulas
- Concept of second moment of area for
- Simple section
- Rectangular cross section
- Circular cross section
- Triangular cross section
- Hollow Circular cross section
- I-section
- calculate
on of bending stresses for the
With Given sections above
loading and span
- Section Modulus
- Average Shea
Rectangular and r stress in section I
4. Springs
(5 hours)
- Strain energy to
nd proof resilience. Ca
Sebastiano's theorem
- Leaf Springs
- Maximum deflection in leaf springs
- Maximum stress in leaf springs
- Closed and open coiled coiled springs subjected to axial load and
axial twist - maximum stress
and deflection of free end
- Stiffness of a spring
5. Shafts (6 hrs)
- Concept of torque and angle of twist
- Torsion equation
- Torque developed by hollow and solid shafts of round sections
- Comparison of torque developed by hollow and solid shafts
6. Simple Mechanism (4 hrs)
- Definition of link, kinematic pa
go, kinematic chain, mechanism,
inversions and machines
- Simple examples of mechanism w
ith lower pairs, four bar chain,
slider crank chain, double slider
crank chain pairs and higher
Google Translate for Business:Translator Toolkit Website Translator Global Market Finder
3 1 -
A Diploma holder in automobile engineering sh
ould Have an overall view of automobiles
before learning the detail Aspects of various sy
stems of automobile. Th
Provides is subject to
broad knowledge about the power plant, elec
trical system, transmission, drive end,
braking system, front axle, steering, frame to
nd chassis. This knowledge will be helpful to
the students in various co-Relating Systems with each other and understanding the
Individual systems in a better Manner
1. Introduction (6 hrs)
- Classification of vehicles on the basis of
load, wheels, drive end, fuel used,
axles, position of engine and steeri
ng transmission, body and load (definition
- Layout of an automobile chassis, func
tion of major components of a vehicle and
Their introduction to different systems Such
as frame, power plant, transmission
(clutch and gear box), drive end, brak
ing system, front ax
les, steering and
suspension systems (just line diagrams and utility)
2. Thermodynamics (4 hrs)
First and second law of thermodynamics (with
cept only), otto cycle, diesel cycle.
Types of automotive fuels, properties of fuels, air requirement for complete
combustion of fuel
3. Concept of Static Pressure (4 hrs)
Definition of Pascal's law, Pressure head
4. Flow of Liquid (6 hrs)
Laminar and turbulent flow, the
w of continuity, velocity
head, head datum, Total
head, Bernoulli's Theorem (definition only, no derivation, simple Numericals)
5. Flow Through Pipes and Hydraulic Pumps (6 hrs)
Friction losses in pipes, introduction to
reciprocating and centrifugal hydraulic
pump, gear pump
6. Power Plant (6 hrs)
Concept of two stroke and four stroke
petrol and diesel engines and Their
applications to automobiles. Various you
rms, specification of automobile engines
7. Automotive Systems (6 hrs)
- Automobile fuel system: Fuel tank,,
filters, carburettor,
fuel injection
- Automobile cooling system: Air and wa
ter cooling, radiator, fan, water pump
- Auto lubrication system: Lubricants,
necessity and desirable properties, oil
8. Suspension (4 hrs)
- Purpose and types of suspension - pr
inciple and axle components of rigit
- Tyres - types of function, comparison
9. Auto Industry in India (6 hrs)
History, leading manufacturers, developm
ent in automobile industry, trends, new
1. Thermal Engineering by PL Ballaney, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi
2. Hydraulics and Hydraulics
Machines by RS Khurmi, S Chand and Co., Delhi
3. Automobile Engineering by Dr. Kirp
to Singh, Strandard Publishers, Delhi
Automobile Engineering by RB Gupt
a, Satya Parkashan, New Delhi
3 1 2
A certificate holder is supposed to select and an
Alyze The Reasons for failure of different
select the required components and materials for
different applications. It is essential to
Diploma holders acerca teach the concepts, prin
ciples, applications and practices covering
stresses and strain, beams, be
nding moment and shear force,
springs and shafts. Knowledge
in basic concepts of single mechanism, fl
wheel and governor, bullet
incing, vibrations and
vehicle in motion ambient Estes very much required to Understand the problems in the moving
parts of automobile. It is e
That expected Efforts will be ma
for by the teach
rs to Provide
Appropriate learning experiences
to the students for develop
Necessary ping competencies
related to this subject area.
1. Stresses and strain (8 hrs)
- Introduction to stress and strain
- Mechanical properties of materials
- Tensile and compressive stress
- Shear stress and strain
- Hooke's law and Young's Modulus of elasticity
- Modulus of Rigidity
- Poisson's ratio
- Bulk Modulus
- Deformation and stress in a uniform bar
- Deformation and stress in a non uniform bar
- Temperature stresses
- Longitudinal to
nd hoop stress in thin
and thick cylinders
2. Beams and Bending (6 hrs)
- Concept of beam, rod, shaft (different types of structure members)
- Different types of Supports - Fi
xed support, Roller support, Hinged
- Concept of a simply supported beam and cantilever
- Concept of bending moments and shear force
- B. M. and S. F. diagrams for Beams - for uniformly distributed loads,
for Concentrated loads
- Determination of post
tuition of maximum B.M. and S. F. in a beam
- Point of contraflow
3. Bending and Shear Stresses (7 hrs)
- Concept of Bending, bending equation and assumptions made in it
- Extramural formulas
- Concept of second moment of area for
- Simple section
- Rectangular cross section
- Circular cross section
- Triangular cross section
- Hollow Circular cross section
- I-section
- calculate
on of bending stresses for the
With Given sections above
loading and span
- Section Modulus
- Average Shea
Rectangular and r stress in section I
4. Springs
(5 hours)
- Strain energy to
nd proof resilience. Ca
Sebastiano's theorem
- Leaf Springs
- Maximum deflection in leaf springs
- Maximum stress in leaf springs
- Closed and open coiled coiled springs subjected to axial load and
axial twist - maximum stress
and deflection of free end
- Stiffness of a spring
5. Shafts (6 hrs)
- Concept of torque and angle of twist
- Torsion equation
- Torque developed by hollow and solid shafts of round sections
- Comparison of torque developed by hollow and solid shafts
6. Simple Mechanism (4 hrs)
- Definition of link, kinematic pa
go, kinematic chain, mechanism,
inversions and machines
- Simple examples of mechanism w
ith lower pairs, four bar chain,
slider crank chain, double slider
crank chain pairs and higher
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